Presentation details
- Register for NoDaLiDa:
- The registration includes workshop-only option and online registration.
- Please upload your materials (posters, slides, lighting talk slide) by clicking on the corresponding link. Links were distributed between presenters via e-mail.
What type of presentation do you have?
If you are presenting a talk
- Each talk can take up to 20 minutes overall of which at least 5 minutes are reserved for questions.
- Before the talk upload your presentations slides to the on-site presentation computer. Workshop organisers who are there in person will help you with that.
If you are presenting a poster
- You have 1 minute for a lightning talk to pitch your poster (see schedule). Please upload any slides for the lightning talk before May 21st. Read the e-mail sent out to presenters for instructions on uploading.
- There will be poster boards that can fit posters of A0 portrait size.
- 5 basic walls, posters can be placed on both sides (10).
- Where can I print the poster in Tórshavn?
- Føroya Prent shop:
- Write an email with your poster attached:
- The shop is not in the city center and not immediately close to the venue, so plan accordingly.
- For example, if you are taking an Airport Shuttle from the airport, you might be able to ask them to make a short stop on the way to your hotel/the workshop venue to pick up the poster.
What mode of presentation do you have?
If you are presenting on-site
- There will be a presentation computer linked to a room projector and Zoom.
- This computer will have access to a shared folder where you can upload your presentation slides (pdf, and Powerpoint) beforehand.
- Please let us know if you have any extra presentation requirements, e.g. playing videos or sound.
If you are presenting online
- The details for online participation (and where to uploade your slides beforehand) have been sent out by the NoDaLiDa organisers to the registered participants.
- Please let us know if you have any extra presentation requirements, e.g. playing videos or sound.
- If you are presenting online, you can share your slides directly but you can still upload your files as a backup if something goes wrong (the link has been sent around).